Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gold bach Reloaded

Inferences from Strong Gold Bach’s Conjecture

Strong Gold Bach’s Conjecture is as given below:
e  even number
p  prime number
o  odd number
According to Strong Gold Bach Conjecture,
Any even number >=8 can be written as a sum of two different primes.

Now let’s get into my observations...
Using Strong Gold Bach’s conjecture
Any e = p1+p2, where p1 and p2 are two different prime numbers

Now take any prime number p
2p is an even number,
So 2p = p1 + p2 using Strong Goldbach’s conjecture where p1 and p2 are two different primes


p = (p1+p2)/2


Therefore any prime number can be written as the average of two different primes.

Take 17
2*17 = 34 = 31+3
Therefore 17 = (31+3)/2
This also means that any prime number is equidistant from two some other two primes
This inference shows the uniformity of the primes though they can’t be represented by a single formula


Since p = (p1+p2)/2, using the above inference,
p1 can be a maximum of 2p-1 so that the other prime can be a minimum of 1

From this we can see that if p is any prime, there is at least one prime number between p and 2p

Take p =
31 and 2*31 = 62
Between 31, there are primes 37, 43 etc...


According to Strong Goldbach’s conjecture, any even number
e = p1 + p2, where p1 and p2 are two different prime numbers
e = o1 + o2, where o1 and o2 are two non prime odd numbers
So basically, o1 + o2 = p1 + p2
Hence, suppose o1 = p1 + x, where x is some difference
Then o2 =p2 –x, since, in the end the (p1+x) + (p2-x) = p1+p2 = o1+o2
Hence we can see that
For any two pair of odd numbers, o1 and o2, you have two prime numbers p1 and p2, such that
p1Similarly, there is another group, o1
So, any pair of odd numbers has a pair of symmetrically placed primes

E.g.: Take two odd numbers, say 15 and 57. Here the primes below 15 are 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13. So I just take the differences of this number with 15 and add those to 57, one of them will be definitely a prime.
So 57 + (15-3) = 69  not prime, 57 + (15 – 5) = 67  Prime! So the numbers are 5, 15, 57 and 67


There are two primes equidistant from any number!!

According to Strong Goldbach’s conjecture, any even number
e = p1 + p2, where p1 and p2 are two different prime numbers.
So p1 = e/2 –k and p2 =e/2 + k

Hence we can see that this points to the fact that there are two primes equidistant from any number ,as the e/2 can be an odd or even

Eg: Taking a76, we have 73 and 79. Taking 109, we have 79 and 139 and equidistant primes from 109

This is useful if we know all primes lesser than a number N and then we just have to check if the numbers N+(N-pi) are primes, where pis are primes below N

Energy sources

Was just wondering if there are any renewable energy sources not being used effectively...We all know that solar, wind, tidal energy etc are being used to various extents...Sitting at the MCity FC during lunch time, there is a seemingly endless buzzz..100s of people talking, laughing etc...their sound waves being added to produce a sound like the one you get at theh beach...So what if we could convert this to energy?
Use a microphone...convert these sounds to electric signal...rectify that to get dc and use it to charge ur battery...
Might be this dc will be of very low value...but what ever you get free is good :)
Did some research on net regarding this...seems that people are thinking and researching about this....
Noise is one thing which is there all around us..Hopefully someone will change the proverb "Silence is golden" :)

Direct brain communication

This is an offshoot from the previous blog entry

Direct brain communications is something like sending ur brain signals or thoughts directly to someone else...
This will be a movie director having an idea and then communicating that image/video to his actor or the camera man using brain signal...

Probably this can be implemented by having a transmitter and receiver attached to our brain or head ( strong enough to interact with brain )
and then sending this signal to anly place using the normal mobile/ satellite network...

This will be like any normal mobile...We should be able to take only the brain calls we want :)...

Probably we could go to the next level and allow some users to access ur brain thoughts all the time ..without u having to send that implicitly Guess this will be ultimate telepathy...

But this might affect privacy a privacy settings also might have to be implemented :)

Also probably you could use this equipment in record mode to record ur dreams :) might be useful as people are supposed to have bright ideas in dreams

Interesting idea

When in school i had had an idea of transferring smell from one place to another...The idea was use the smell molecules to drive a turbine to get an electric signalwhich can be transmitted to another place where it can be used to turn another fan to get back the smell !! Bad that i didnt apply for a patent :)

Recently when discussing with my frnd Akash, he told that it would be really nice if we could transfer smell over internet. Eg : If u are planning to buy a perfume, it wouldbe great to smell it before buying rather than falling for the pic of the perfume bottle of the lady advertising it. Obviously transferring smell has its disadvantages/ dangers also ... Imagine some one sending u an attachment with H2S smell :) or worse some terrorist sending a mass mail with poisonous gas

Anyway, looking at the bright side, lets see various options of implementing this:

1)One way would be to send the molecular structure of the smell from the server to the client and the client system having a smell synthesizer using this info to generate the smell molecules. I guess this idea is too far fetched or impractical
2)Another way would be to trigger smell sensation using some other sensations like sound or sight. Not very sure if this is possible. The reason i thought this is possible because most of the senses are kind of u eat apple when having nose block...u dont get the full taste..
So if this is possible, the client user can use an earphone and when he clicks a perfume icon, a sound/image or a combo will be generated which will give him the smell sensation
3)The other way seems to be most possible way. It is to send electrical signals directly to brain ie, the user will have a head cap which will receive electric signals from the server side...These signals will create the necessary smell sensation...Like u get smells in dream without the molecules being present.

The last idea, ie, directly communicating with brain is being researched by scientists..Guess it has lot of possibilities...

You could even transmit touch and other sensations though internet...This might lead some one to strangle you through net :) We might get e-murder cases...Also the horror movie experiences will get much better...

Now the brain communication is such an interesting idea..that it deserves a look in another blog entry

Global warming.....

I attended a session on global warming today...
It had the usual suggestions to reduce CO2 emissions etc...
Being an engineer , i am more interested in quick fixes...
Some suggestions below...

1)White snow and ice reflect most the energy from the sun while dark oceans and land absorbs this energy. This is one reason why the melting ice caps accelerate the global warming...
So one solution is to coat all our outer roofs with materials of similar reflective properties of that a huge amount of sunlight is reflected back to atmosphere.... :)...So coat every house terrace, all vehicles etc with this material
The idea is simple...create more ice caps :)

Will try to come up with more :)

Invisible man.....

Yesterday i read an article in Indian Express abt the research to make things invisible.I guess there are the following ways to do that..
1)To make the refractive index of the body and that of the surrounding almost this case refraction or reflection wont happen and hence the body will be almost invisible..
Examples are many aquatic life forms like jelly fish etc. Also glass ball in water might be another example
2)Another way is to camouflage the body according to the surroundings.This idea has been used in one James Bond movie.U can get the image behind the body and then display it on the body to be made invisible.
3)The third way is what is mentioned in the paper.. That is make the light bend around u. This is very intuitive...It is as if u arent present there...the light from the bodies behind u also follow the curved path around u and hence there arent any issues...The research guys it seem have come close to making this practical.

But there are a few issues with this invisiblity thing...
If u cant be seen, then it is as simple as u cant see!!!
Let me explain,All the almost invisible aquatic organisms have very black beady eyes.The reason is that for vision, u have to focus light and hence a difference in refractive index is a must...Hence the closer u try to reach to invisibility...the close u move towards blindness..
Even in the case where our researchers are bending the light around u, they are effectively making it impossible for light from things reach ur eyes...effectively blinding u...

It seems that HG Wells was also aware of this fallacy when he wrote Invisible man...but be put this aside to create his story...The actual invisible man according to HG Wells would have been a blind man seen by none!! Pathetic situation...

One work around is :

U can be invisible only in a particular spectrum..something like our Mr India...who can be seen in red light :)...
In this case only a particular spectrum of light is bent around u...or the refractive index wrt to a particular range matches the surrounding...

The guys in the Predator movie seem to have thought abt this...they have made the alien invisible and also have made his vision primitive...something like a night vision in infra red light...

Global warming.....

Was thinking on how to reduce the amount of CO2 in atmosphere....
Mr CO2 is supposed to be the primary culprit in the ongoing case of global warming...
Mr Sherlock Divyanand has the following traps to catch our culprit...
1) More trees will absorb more CO2...but by the time we grow enough trees it will be too late...So we have to use some innovative strategies..
Like...Make plants absorb more CO2...We have to study what controls the rate of photo synthesis and make the planks cook faster..using more CO2...probably some hormone therapy might help :)
2)Heard that some japanese guys have developed a tar which can absorb CO2 etc...probably we will have to use some solvent which can absorb the excess CO2...This isnt easy as the thing to be cleaned is as small as earth's atmosphere

Will try to come up with more the prize is nothing but Planet earth

Compression of music

Our ear has a spiral channel which detects various frequencies at various points...
For simplicity, lets assume that the length of the channel is L
Suppose f1 frequency is detected at start of the channel and f2 at the end.
Now, if in a music, f1 comes after f2, within a time interval of L/( speed of sound), then the order of frequencies detected by our ear will be wrong...
But since we dont hear this out of sequence, i think there might be a auto correction or rejection mechanism in our brain.

If the out of sequence frequncies are being rejected by our brain, then we can also do the same to our music files.

Hence we can achieve compression.
We will have to get the time based frequency spectrum of the music,digitize this and pass this through the compressor.

Hear the music of rainbow

What if we are able to hear the symphony of the
celestial dance...listen to the silent gloomy sunset..hear the
ragas created by a rainbow...or the blueness of a sky....
Also..what if we were able to see .. the shades
of a keerthana...see the flashes of an echo...

Sound is basically any vibration which can vibrate our ear drum.
So if there was an animal whose eardrum can be vibrated by electro magnetic waves, then it will be able hear light...
It will be able to hear the sunrise....feel the splashing sound of a light shone at him...hear the hum of a laser beam...

The longest night of my life.

To cut a long story short, if there is one night I will always remember, it will be this night. It was a night like no other night. Whenever I heard the statement "Life hits you in the head with a brick ...” I never knew quite what they meant, but after this night I know what it feels like.

It had been a long day at work, five meetings, six cups of coffee, and never ending lines of code running before my eyes. It was little past 11 PM. It was time to go home.

I thought that I will just run a query on TOAD and get out of the office. The whole day I have been running lots of queries returning millions of transaction numbers ….Felt like I was caught in a Matrix world…

Even the TOAD was too slow after a hectic day of running queries…..

I just pressed execute and waited to see the results…The query slowly started executing…It was printing one transaction number after another….nothing great in that ….I just waited for the query to end….But there was something peculiar in the way the query was executing today…I could sense the strangeness in the air. But the TOAD kept executing the query. Then all of a sudden the unexpected started happening… The transaction numbers were falling out of the output window….I rubbed by eyes…”How the hell cans this happen!!!! Is there some bug in TOAD??”…..Now the numbers were falling on to the Windows desktop….I watched open mouthed….There was a flurry of numbers. I could see big blobs of data struggling their way from CPU towards the monitor…The whole monitor was expanding like a balloon…it was going to burst any moment and going to spill the precious data… There will be chaos …the highly successful Conversion we did is going to be thwarted….our client will have to work using paper and pen again….I prayed desperately… “Please god…save our data…plzzzz”...the balloon kept expanding…and Booom….The balloon burst spilling out the transaction numbers…I tried to cover the hole in the monitor using my body….But still some of them were spilling out…the whole office floor was full of them…They were flowing towards the door…I was being drowned in the flood of the transaction numbers….i couldn't breath, my whole wasteful life was staring at me…I was about to die….One last time…I screamed…”Help…Help…somebody help me….i am drowning…Help…”

There was a pat on my shoulder…. "Sir … sona hai tho ghar me jaakke sona…kyon bhaakki logon ko pareshan karthe hai"…the security guard asked looking at me.

Maybe it was time for the seventh cup of coffee.

Interesting Dream

I had an interesting dream...I am in a war,wearing commando dress,with machine guns in many hollywood commander send out the battle cry "We have to fight for suivival...we have to defend till the end"..Next scene is myself defending hard on a cricket pitch :)..and all my team mates shouting.."Keep defending"...Interesting twist in the dream..Guess it gives some idea about how our brain functions...Similar ideas are probably connected to common nodes..So when we are awake..probably there is another part of brain (which deals with commonsense) which controls the flow of our thought...but guess when we are asleep, our thought flows like a free stream through any possible avenue...

I feel that there should be some applications to this our truth detecting machine etc...but even innocent people might have cruel intentions which might come out if they are subjected to a free thought flow..
Maybe this is also one reason why when we are completely blank...devoid on any solution...after a nap everything become clear...This might also be why Einstein is supposed to have come up with the idea of Special theory of relativity after a long sleep...Guess only the uncontrolled natural flow of thought could have given rise to such a supposedly weird idea..Probably our thought has to be freed from the control of so called the commonsense which is nothing but the collection of various biases which we absorb during our existence in this society.