Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Direct brain communication

This is an offshoot from the previous blog entry

Direct brain communications is something like sending ur brain signals or thoughts directly to someone else...
This will be a movie director having an idea and then communicating that image/video to his actor or the camera man using brain signal...

Probably this can be implemented by having a transmitter and receiver attached to our brain or head ( strong enough to interact with brain )
and then sending this signal to anly place using the normal mobile/ satellite network...

This will be like any normal mobile...We should be able to take only the brain calls we want :)...

Probably we could go to the next level and allow some users to access ur brain thoughts all the time ..without u having to send that implicitly Guess this will be ultimate telepathy...

But this might affect privacy a privacy settings also might have to be implemented :)

Also probably you could use this equipment in record mode to record ur dreams :) might be useful as people are supposed to have bright ideas in dreams

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